I brought some lovely deep red ludwiga last week, It injects a fantastic vibrant red contrast to my scape, trouble is all new growth coming through is green. 🙁 How am I supposed to maintain the colouration? Research doesn`t really show up any definative answers, some say you need high light, some say increase Iron, some say reduce nitrates etc. My Nesaea crassicaulis suffers the same fate. However Barclaya longifolia keeps it`s colouration? 🙄 WHY?
I don`t know where I`m going wrong? I inject plenty of Co2, run 3 x 39watt T5`s (2.5wpg) and dose E.I.
Currently pre-mixing solution - Added to 1000ml of water. Tank is 180ltr.
KNO3 - 31g
KH2PO4 - 24g (Doubled dosage to combat GSA)
MgSo4 - 74g
Ca(No3)2 1/2 teaspoon (Added on water change day only)
TNC Trace elements - 10g
Macros, micros dosed on alternate days!
If anybody can give me any pointers I would appreciate it very much.
P.S I think it`s Ludwiga Repens Rubin? But not 100% sure could anyone to do a plant I.d for me just to confirm? Pic below.

I don`t know where I`m going wrong? I inject plenty of Co2, run 3 x 39watt T5`s (2.5wpg) and dose E.I.
Currently pre-mixing solution - Added to 1000ml of water. Tank is 180ltr.
KNO3 - 31g
KH2PO4 - 24g (Doubled dosage to combat GSA)
MgSo4 - 74g
Ca(No3)2 1/2 teaspoon (Added on water change day only)
TNC Trace elements - 10g
Macros, micros dosed on alternate days!
If anybody can give me any pointers I would appreciate it very much.

P.S I think it`s Ludwiga Repens Rubin? But not 100% sure could anyone to do a plant I.d for me just to confirm? Pic below.