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Pogostemon stellata Lower Portion Rot


15 Dec 2013
Hi Everyone,
After final putting to bed most of my planted tank issues and experiencing a period of good growth and health I'm having a bit of an issue with my Pogostemon stellata. It initially grew well and showed good growth but recently Ive noticed that the lower stem portions of the plant just above the substrate have started rotting. The rest of the plant looks okay but soon drifts from the soil once the lower portion has rotted away completely.

I have a number of other plants in the tank that don't suffer from this at all, the substrate is new and the water circulation good. Any ideas what this could be?

Many Thanks

Is the new substrate ADA by any chance? I've had the same thing with Rotala Rotundifolia... I know you say circulation is good but, my experience so far is that the CO2 levels between an inch of water can vary significantly. Try putting a DC near them, see what it says.
It isn't but its very similar. The reason I'm confused is that nothing has changed in the tank yet these particular plants have started to suffer. They are in a number of locations in the tank all of which seem to have an issue.
Do you know if those plants were grown emersed? Could be that they're having difficulty adapting, in which case floating them for a few weeks should do the trick.