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Please help with Siamese Flying Fox Problem.


18 Apr 2013
I have a problem with my siamese flying fox. It was ok yesterday and I did not notice anything wrong this morning.

It did not come out to feed tonight and it has just appeared with this mouth problem and he does not appear to be able to move his moutn.

Any ideas please? Here are two pics of it.


Injury? I've seen somthing similar in chiclids caused by fighting. It can some times be fixed by catching the fish and forcing the jaw closed. Try googling dislocated jaw.
looks like it's got a stone in there!
I see what you mean with the stone NatureBoy, I think it could also be some sort of parasite or something? I remember reading something about a certain creature living in the mouth of fishes' replacing its tongue. I do not know if this is the case but the damage appears to be similar to that of the thing I read.

Edit: I might be wrong, I found some articles relating to this subject and everyone showed this happening to fish that we see in the market. So I guess I'm wrong on this one. Someone with more knowledge may have some input on this.
Hi all,
Thanks for the replies. I started myxazin last night...cannot see it this morning yet but it is early...I will have a look around for it and try and net it and have a closer look.
Well I have just seen him briefly. Although he did not eat his mouth is moving ok. His mouth/lips still look very red so will continue with a full course of Myxazin and see how he goes. 🙂
Good luck bertie🙂