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Please help me with my set up


24 Apr 2015
Hello I have two aquariums and I need your help for their set ups.
First one is a Juwel 30 L with original LED lighting,it has 1 inch thickness of B&Q's aqua compost and Tesco's dust free cat litter as substrate.It is next to a south facing window. There are 2 small black molies but I want to add very colourful guppies,small tetras and shrimps as many as I can.It has standard tank in filtration but I am ready to add a sponge filter to increase biological filtration.I do water changes 50% every week and will keep doing it. I would like to plant densely I mean really densely, with relatively cheap and easy plants like Java ferns,moss balls,bocapo compact,anubais nana. I will add liquid CO2 or DIY CO2.I will use tablets or sticks to boost the growth

Second one is a Juwel 125 with internal filter (I think 3.0) and T5 lights and reflectors. As it is a second hand tank I don't know what the substrate it is but it is small black or very dark green 3-5 mm gravel.This tank is close to a south facing window too. It has no plants ,just a large ornament. I will add an additional floating filter

with a small modification ( I will add LED growth light to the upper part of the filter) I am planning to use as a algea scrubber. I will probably get a fire extinguisher or sodastream CO2 and later I will increase the lightning a special hood with 4X 24 or 4 X 39 T5s. I would like to keep angels and perhaps some other small fishes can live with the angels. I would like it to be a jungle tank. And I have no idea how to achieve this 🙂
You won't be able to get many fish suitable for an 30L tank, I had five male ender guppies in mine that were quite happy, most small fish still need a ton of swimming room. I wouldn't worry to much about filtration in a planted tank it's more around water flow then anything else, maybe use a HOB filter to improve the amount of room in the tank. A guide for liquid CO2 tanks can be found here. Yes water changes are good, don't know if I would add shrimp to a tank that has mollys.

That's also a hell of a lot of light 2 x 24w is more then enough light, I'm at 2x14w on the Roma 125. I wouldn't bother about an algae scrubber, that sort of thing is for African cichlid tanks. I would reconsider having angles in that tank or just sticking to having a mated two with the smaller body shape. As much as I love my Peral Guaramis I wish I had just stuck to smaller fish.
Hi Kadir, you might consider adding a few fast growing stem plants as well. They would help soak up ammonia etc as you get the tank set up. Maybe rotala? Ludwiga red is also a popular choice and adds some colour variety.

For fish have you considered celestial pearl danios? They look really nice, and apparently are easy to keep.

Good luck with the start up.