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Please help me improve my tank!


21 Aug 2008
Hi, sorry about the quality of the photo, but if you can make it out clearly enough, I'm trying to improve the layout and would appreciate any constructive criticism on how to do it!
The very bright bits at the front are riccia stones in case you couldn't see it very well! The crypts on the left and right are slowly recovering from being almost annihilated by snails 🙄 but they come to the front of the glass so it's not as bare as it looks there!

Edited to add:
Specs if req:
210l (4' long)
2 x 39w & 2 x 24w tubes (hence the brighter light in the middle - long story)
Ferts TPN+
i think your tank would look good with a bushy plants in the back corners something like rotala roundfolia or rotala sp.green, these quickly go bushy and look good like this one.
You need more order to things, i.e. the some plants planted close together and the wood does little for the scape at the moment. I would also get a load more plants in there. That way they will have more of an impact and will likely also make it easier to see what works and what doesn't 🙂

Hope that helps 🙂 dont think Im being harsh just being honest and trying to help 🙂

Have you checked out these sites for ideas? Loads of great scapes on these 🙂



I don't think you're being harsh; I know it's cr*p,that's why I've asked for help! My main problem is that like many people I haven't got a penny to spend on it atm. I was trying (unsuccessfully) to use the wood to add height! Apart from binning the wood and getting more plants, any other suggestions?