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Please Help me Find a Plant Name


11 Jun 2009
Hi All

Im struggling here to find the name of a plant I saw in a photo.

Its a fern, not java, indian or sprite.

Its leaves are very slender and spikey.

I'm sure I saw a scape by George where he used it and said it was a new plant, that grows easily.

Quite spindly growth pattern.

Quite dark green in colour

Im desperately trying to find a picture.

Not much to go on I know.

that looks like Bolbitis...

I know George used hygrophila pinnatifida in his new scape and thats similar to Bolbitis.
I used it in my last scape and it grew really well, until i went away for 10 days...i came back and it'd all but melted. It did spread runners really quick though. It gets big quite quick as well. Nice plant though!
Excellent. Thanks for the info, its a nice looking plant, but I have never seen it locally, we are very limited for plants in the east it seems.

Anyone feel like sending me some to try out?
