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Plastic Fantastic

Re: Drifting - Gonna Loose one Pipefish tonight

a1Matt said:
How is the small one looking today Gill?

Did not make it. Shame really as it was the Most inquisitive of the group and always 1st to grab the food.
Re: Drifting

Have fed them with daphnia 3 times today(30ish daphnia per feed). And I can see that they have all eaten, so alot happier.
Sat infront of the tank with my little boy (he likes to play with his Toy Story figures while watching the "horsey's" :lol: 🙄 ) for an hour. I love how their eyes move independently of each other like a chameleon, scanning for food.
Since increasing the volume of water by removing one of the shelves. I have seen changes in where the other inhabitants have moved areas. The cherry Shrimp have moved up into the planted shelf area. Along with the Herterandria Formosa, they now glide around in the shelf all day.
The Peacock Gobies still hug the substrate. The Yellow Kribs spend all their daytime in amongst the cobbles and come out @ lights change over to moonlighting.

Will be setting up brine shrimp aswell this week as something extra to add to their diet. using an NTLabs setup for the brine shrimp off ebay for only £4.
Re: Drifting

Ok so they are now on solely Live foods, Last couple of Feeds they will not touch the frozen foods.
Does not worry me, as I always have live food growing. And as it has started to get colder have set up a Daphnia Tank in the Kitchen Windowsill. In a position that will get alot of sun. Still have Loads of Spirulina Powder so can feed them up before giving to the Pipes. Brine Shrimp hatcher has been posted so should be here in a few days. Along with a Boost of Fresh Daphnia for the Kitchen Tank.

On a Side note, I Partially Drained My largest Snail/Mozzie Barrel to see if there were any fish in it. And Found quite a few Balloon Mollies in it. All Black, Will bring them indoors soon.
Re: Drifting

Brine Shrimp Hatcher Arrived this Morning, and have set it up in the tank. Looking forward to growing them for the pipes.

Added more plants that Arrived in the post as-well.
And Planted the 2 pots of Creeping Jenny in the Shelf Area. Love how this looks once it starts to trail and has lovely little yellow flowers.
Re: Drifting

Ok so this afternoon while sitting in front of the tank with the little one. I witnessed one of the Pipe get stuck in the cobbles. Poor thing was twisting and turning trying to get. I reckon this is how the 1st one died, by damaging its spine while trying to get out.
So used some tongs and pulled it out. Got a Bucket and took all the cobbles out. AS they are planted up with Moss and Anubias. They have gone outside onto the Daphnia/Snail Tank.
Rescaped the Left side using the bogwood I already Had. And Added a Willow Tippee for the Cribs. One ot those little Willow Tippee for gerbils from P@H. Added a Few bits of Java moss to it and then replanted some of the Hairgrass, which is sending out lots of runners. 🙂
And also noticed that I have a few Female Peacock Gobies that are already fat with Eggs. 🙂

Will take some pix later tonight and post them up.

ON a Side note So frustrated with a Seller on Ebay *5 Packets of Live Daphnia Posted on the 23/08 have still not arrived and he has since said he has posted another 2 parcels for free. Dunno what to think as no Mail Undelivered @ the local delivery office.
Re: Drifting

Also Can I use Rock Salt, Tonic Salt for the Brine Shrimp. Or Is it a Must that I use Marine Salt for their Vase. They have Hatched today so will be transferring them over to a 3G Vase to keep them in Longterm.
Re: Drifting - Rescape

Shot from the Stairs

Planted Shelf


Seeing if there are any Mozzies left in the Feeder


Peacock Goby Female

Male Yellow Crib made himself comfy within a hour of the rescape. Once the Moss has grown in it should be hidden well.
Re: Drifting

Gill said:
ON a Side note So frustrated with a Seller on Ebay *5 Packets of Live Daphnia Posted on the 23/08 have still not arrived and he has since said he has posted another 2 parcels for free. Dunno what to think as no Mail Undelivered @ the local delivery office.

So Dissapointed with the quality of the Daphnia that arrived this morning. Gave the seller Plenty of Chances, but have lodged a complaint for a full refund. Daphnia were Tiny and hardly The amount stated in the Description. Less than 1/2 of what you get in an LFS bag of Daphnia. Water smelled so Foul and not many alive in it.
Re: Drifting - Rescape

Seller has Agreed to send out another Parcel of Live Food 🙂. Hopefully this one will be better.

Spent over an hour Harvesting Live food from one of the barrels, that has a lot of Mulm/Gunk at the bottom.
Harvesting Bloodworm is a chore, took ages to prize them out of their little cocoons. Also found some Waterlouse in the barrel, so that is a nice extra find. Will leave this barrel alone and chuck a load more plant material in it for the inhabitants.

Just tried feeding the Pipes and They Love the Waterlouse :thumbup:, but won't touch the live bloodworm- Ungrateful :evil:
Re: Drifting - Rescape

Replacement Live food arrived and the quality was much much better. What I expected to receive in the 1st place.
They are still not showing any interest in the bloodworm, but love the Daphnia + Mozzies.
Going to go to World of Water later in the week, to have a browse and see what they have. Have not been in a long time. They are the only place I have visited that you can buy Qulaity pairs of All types of Rams for under £15.00 inlcuding electric blue.
Re: Drifting - Rescape

Did not get to WOW this week, will try again nest week.
Going to Be doing a Trim over the weekend. As the Taller Hairgrass has really taken off, and needs atleast 4-5 Inch trim. As well as the Hydrocytle. I added the Pond Variety of Hydrocytle back to try it again, and this time it has transitioned to being in a tank. It sends New Stems out of the water in the shelf, and stays floating in the water. Just How I wanted it to be.
Re: Drifting

Plants trimmed and tidied a tiny bit.
My 1st batch of Brine Shrimp Crashed, think I fed them too early. Started another batch and will wait to feed them this time.
Male Peacocks are starting to develop their 'koks' now, and females nice and plump with eggs. Kribs still hide alot, so not sure what else I can do to get them out during the day.
Re: Drifting

Thinking of ideas for another fish for the tank.
I am swaying towards a pair of wild bettas, something like channoides or coccina.
Also like the idea of adding a companion fish like rocket pencilfish, that would compliment the way in which the pipes glide around.
Re: Drifting

Mark Evans said:
I love pencil fish. They may look really nice in this tank Gill. :thumbup:

Yeah I am thinking that aswell, but pricewise they are now a bit pricey. The LFS I used to buy them from has shut down, another that opened has gone Bust. So will either be getting them Online or if I can find them in MA or WOW nearby.
Re: Drifting

Regarding the Daphnia, I probably used the same seller. Delivery was slow but the 1 bag I got was alright, not as many in as one from my old LFS but not too bad. I chucked them in a tub outside with a bit of detritus and the population has trebled, free supply of daphnia, and it's dead easy. There's also a few bloodworm that have appeared as well.

Lovely tank by the way, I've never seen those fish before!
Re: Drifting

sanj said:
Male Peacocks are starting to develop their 'koks' now

Umm, could you explain that one Gill...🙂

Nuchal Humps - The Nuchal Hump is visable on male fish, mainly on Cichlids, as a hump on the forehead, depending on species, it can be fairly subtle, or extremely prominant. It can also be referred to as a Kok.

Sentral said:
Regarding the Daphnia, I probably used the same seller. Delivery was slow but the 1 bag I got was alright, not as many in as one from my old LFS but not too bad. I chucked them in a tub outside with a bit of detritus and the population has trebled, free supply of daphnia, and it's dead easy. There's also a few bloodworm that have appeared as well.

Lovely tank by the way, I've never seen those fish before!

Yeah, very Slow Delivery and Many Excuses. None of the 3 Original have ever arrived. Daphnia are such a great food source, gut load them with spirulina and they are good to go.