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Plastic Fantastic

Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza

loving the cobbles/pebbles there very natural effect 🙂

Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza

SuperColey1 said:
loving the cobbles/pebbles there very natural effect 🙂


Thanks Andy, the cobbles are getting a nice covering of Algae 🙂
Just need to add some amanos for the hair algae.
Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza

SuperColey1 said:
loving the cobbles/pebbles there very natural effect 🙂


you know me, I am not one for a Pristine look. I prefer the tank to look a Little Messy.

Talking with a friend, who I got the Red Ramshorns from. I understand his point about them and Cherry Shrimp. He noticed that as the Snail population Increased the Shrimps Stopped breeding and began to decrease. I am starting to see this in my tank now. He found that the Snails were Absorbing more Calcium into their shells. And Outstripping the Cherries Needs.
Needless to say i will be removing alot of the snails to outdoors to see what difference it makes to the Cherries.
Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza - New Fish 🙂

So this afternoon I had an Appointment in Nuneaton. So afterwards decided to pop along to A5 Aquatics. And Boy Am I glad I did, they Had FW Pipefish. I instantly Snapped up 2 of them. Speaking with the staff they are taking bloodworm readily. So no worries there as I have plenty of that and will add Daphnia to their diet aswell.
Mine are a Very Bright Yellow/Gold color with Red Tails. They are So graceful, will get some pix later and a Video.

So excited to Have these, as have not seen them for sale before. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza - New Fish 🙂

viper3770 said:
I was in A5 aquatics this weekend too... did not see them though 🙁 how big do they get?

They were in the 1st top Middle Isle next to the Dwarf Puffers, they are £10 each (only a couple left). I think they Max out @ 8inches, mine are almost fully grown.
Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza - New Fish 🙂

Thats a coooool fish! Haha.

How's it getting on?

Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza - New Fish 🙂

nayr88 said:
Thats a coooool fish! Haha.

How's it getting on?


They are All Doing Great I now have 6 of them, and they are so Relaxing to watch Drift about the tank.
They have All been scanning the substrate picking up bits and peices to eat. Was So funny watching them Eyeing up the Amano shrimp - thinking they could eat them.

I put the rest of the Tank Inhabitants up for sale on ebay with no reserve. As these on their own are enough for the tank as they are Stunning on their own. Might get some Flying Foxes and Pygmy Cories to go with them.

Will Be Redoing the entire tank once the other fish have gone. And will be using the Fluval Shrimp Substrate instead of the current Pea gravel. Have Got More IAL and Alder Cones on Order for the Rescape.
Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza - New Fish 🙂

Just found lots of scratches on the glass, Little one has scratched it with a stone he got from the garden. 😡 😡 😡 😡

What can I use to Buff them out. Fine Glass paper or something Else ?
Re: Tj's Shrimpalooza - New Fish 🙂

Decided to Donate the Livebearers to a Community Centre in Leicester, thru Tff FB page.
For the New Scape:
Keep the Cobbles as they are nice and Green.
Removing the Riccia and Replacing with Fresh Marimo Balls.
Leaf Litter over the Substrate. Catappa, Oak, IAL Leaves.
Hair Grass
And More Vallis along the Back.
Re: Pied Pipers Folly - New Scape Coming Soon

So All the Livebearers have gone bar the Formosa.
Started the Rescape by removing all the riccia I could. Need to net out the rest tommorow.
Took out some of the gravel (Left and Inch)and then added 1 Bag of Fluval Stratum over the top. So as not to recycle the tank.
I Suprisingly Really like this Substrate. I have never used it before or any like it in all my years of scaping. I like the Brown Color it has to it, I thought it would be more black.
The PipeFish Color Really Pops against the Dark Substrate and they Look even more graceful without the other fish in there.

Tommorrow it will be adding the cobbles back in and then Waiting for the Plants to arrive before really scaping it up.
Will be Boiling the Indian Almond Leaves I have and then Ripping them into smaller shapes to place on top of the substrate to create the leaf litter to see how it looks, before I commit to buying any more. Will save the Boiled water as a tonic to add to the tank, as I have done so in the past.
Re: Pied Pipers Folly - New Scape Coming Soon

Water Has Cleared up really Well.
Pipes have eaten a few bloodworm last night which is good.
Going to get some more Java Moss and Shrimps today.
Re: Pied Pipers Folly - New Scape Coming Soon

the pics are looking good Gill. Any more pics?
Re: Pied Pipers Folly - New Scape Coming Soon

ianho said:
the pics are looking good Gill. Any more pics?

Will Take some more soon, once the plants have arrived.
Found a Very Tall Type of Hair Grass, so going to try that Mixed in with the Vallis and see how it looks.
Re: Pied Pipers Folly - New Scape Coming Soon

Quick Vid of them hunting Down Daphnia, Was bright so lots of reflections.
Scape is looking a bit crap, waiting on plants to arrive so I can scape it all up.
Noticed while watching them, that I have lots of Hydra - Should make them a nice Snack, if they notice them.

Re: Drifting

Been watching some of the videos on Youtube. And I am trying this feeding Method, using a Pipette attached to the side of the tank filled with Daphnia,Bloodworm etc.

Rescape almost done. Hair grass and Alder cones arrived this afternoon. So got all that Planted up. I am very pleased with the taller variety of Hair grass I ordered, Looks very nice as a background plant.
Boiled up the alder Cones and let them settle in the tank. I really like how they look.
Also raised the water by 2 inches, by removing one of the glass shelves. Turned the larger shelf into a marginal planted area with Pennywort, Hydrocoytle, Anubias, Moss etc.
Also New Marimo Balls arrived, so let them drift about in the current untill the sank on their own accord. and then tweaked it slightly do if they were clumped together, moced them further apart.

Just waiting on some IAL and Oak Leaves to create a thick layer of Leaf Litter. And some Daphnia to arrive, to replenish one of the barrels that crashed.

Yesterday I went to Steves, and then we went to Rosedale Aqautics. Picked up some more Java Moss, A Pygmy Armored Catfish (can't remember the proper name) and a few Juvie BN Plecs.
@ Steves I picked up some piping I needed, and a few light starters. So glad I did not Take the Halide Unit(wifey would have gone berserk).