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Plants that take to wood.


11 Nov 2013
Good evening,

Can anyone suggest a plant that grows on wood.
I don't have pressurized co2. Currently using TNC Carbon.
6 hours of light per day
daily ferts.

Id like something that doesn't provide too much cover, as i have echindorous tallness growing all round the wood, I've been told it'll dye off in shady locations.

I like the idea of something with really small lily pad like leaves

I think i seen a dwarf variety of anubias which i know will do well but I've owned it before and fancy something different if it exists!
Most plants can be grafted to wood. I'm doing it with Staurogyne repens at the moment. I've seen HC, crypts, Hygrophila. I reckon almost any plant can, providing there's good water column nutrients.

I like the idea of something with really small lily pad like leaves
Hydrocotyle tripartia will work. It's a fast grower though.
ah yeah thats awesome, just google imaged it, i think it'll order some tomorrow! thanks for your suggestion.

I find im regulary pruning the hygrophila polysperma and limnophila sessiliflora, basically every time i do a water change I prune them back heavily.

The hydro looks awesome now, really bushy. Cant say the same for the limnophila, Ill keep at it see what happens, then possibliy just plant more of it closer together 🙂.

Also thanks for creating this forum its mint to talk to fish tank people and check pics out etc.
Well i ordered Hydrocotyle tripartia and taxiphyllum spike from the green machine. Ill try to get some pics up when there established 🙂 thanks everyone for comments.