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Plants that go well with moss covered root?


18 Jan 2013
After a great trip to charmouth beach in Dorset last weekend and coming away with a few great looking root wood pieces instead of the planed fossils, I've decided to do a rescape.

Thinking a Monte Carlo carpet one side with large root the other covered with moss and maybe needle leaf java fern .... But can anyone recommend some other plants to go around/on/behind the root that would complement the moss and fern and look good around roots?

I expect you guys can imagine the kind of look I'm going for.

Here's the wood I found 2y6a5a9y.jpgmyhe6ugu.jpg
Needle java fern & Bolbitis ?
Love the Xmas socks,but it's a bit early...
Not sure using wood from a beach.I guess soaking for long enough should solve any
possible salty issues ?