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Plants new leaves stunting


29 Aug 2014
Why the new leaves are stunting. It was growing well and all of a sudden from last week started to stunt
Tank details 24X15x15
Lighting 50 watt LEDs
Co2 2.5bps and drop checker turns yellow - co2 is diffused via a ista co2 reactor or ista ceramic diffuser and kept under the powerhead so that the bubbles get broken further.
RO water
Twice weekly 50% water change
During water change 3 grams of caco3 and mgso4 each
15 ppm of N, 5 ppm of P and 20 ppm of K added during water change
Twice amount of csm b and fe gluconate added as well
KH is 1-2

Sunsun 302 canister with 1200lph flow rate and a power head with 200lph

what I cant understand is when all fert levels are high, CO2 is high and flow is reasonably good. Then why do plants behave strangely!



issue3.jpg issue4.jpg
Just a quick update.

I have increased the Ca and MG 5 grams each and adding 25% Tap water during water change. Seeing good improvement now. Will post pics of plants in sometime.