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Plants for my tank and co2 question ?


14 Dec 2014
Hello, I am looking to add co2 to my juwel 190 for the first time, I have come across JBL Sets, can anybody recommend a good co2 setup please? Also how many bubbles a second do I need?

I have the standard 2 x 28w bulbs in my tank, and combining this with the co2, which plants would do well in my tank?

Thanks in advance
A good CO2 set is what ever your wallet can handle....bubbles per second is not useful, you will need to do a pH/ KH test to be able to see how much CO2 is dissolved...if this is your first planted tank I suggest to try growing easy plant, such as Anubias, Java fern, mosses, hygro's, Crypts, Rotala and so on.
have the standard 2 x 28w bulbs in my tank
Get some reflectors so you can rotate them round to reduce light levels when starting up.

bps is a useless measurement, it just shows your setup is passing gas :dead: and an approximate rate. Everyone will have different sized bubbles and different rates. You need to read your drop checker or pH profile to determine if you are getting it right.

Read this and use a FE as 2Kg CO2 source. Mine cost £10 a go and last 100days on a 180litre tank, with drop checker more yellow than green.