In a nutshell.. Some do more some do less, the ones that do best are the fast growing plants as the helophytes which develop a strong and large root system. These swamp plants are often used as helophyte pond filter and they realy do a perfect job. I have used Iris Pseudacorus in my garden pond for that. They are very fast growing and create an enormous root system, it took 3 little sprouts 2 years to create a root system of 5 gallon in volume. The enormous root system also is a perfect biomassfilter. Some plants have such a strong root system thet they even are unsuitable for foil ponts they can even distroy concrete ponds.. If you search for Helophyte filter you probably find a list of plants which are best in it. But they wont be very suitable for an aquarium because of their root systems will explode at one time. Some can be used like I use co2 and firts so did put hippurus vulgaris in my tank to help it a bit fighting algea in the first weeks/months and will take it out again before they start to root to heavily. Also Elodea does a good rather safe job in aquariums, but also only for a short periode and i take it out before it runs out of controll. In low teg tanks they grow slower.
I bet someone will come along which can elaborate in more and better detail.. 🙂