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Plants dying?


25 Aug 2015
I have recently set up my tank again after numerous years. Decided to do a proper job and did a lot DIY style though still spent a small fortune. My plants are turning yellow/brown colour. I have what I believe to be good lighting and also CO2 with a green check.
Please could someone point me in the right direction as to what sort of fertilisers I need to get, I already have some Seachem root tabs stashed in the sand.
For ease, here are some pictures.






Your advice would be very greatly appreciated.

Ps. If the fish mean much, to what advice is given, I have the following
1x Red Bristlenose
2x Green Rams
5x 5 Banded Barbs
12x Cardinal Tetra
1x Amano Shrimp
Size of tank, light lumens (or Watts), filter flow rate and fertilization regime would help make a diagnosis.

But usually far too much light for CO2 level and fertilizer level will cause these symptoms.
Thanks for responding.

Lumens, now thats a question. I created my own LED lighting in my hood. I'd guess around 1800?!
Flow is good, maybe too good.
Fertilisers, currently just the root tabs. I don't put anything else in. I just don't know what or how much.
Read up on these below!
First thing is your going to have a hell of a job keeping that nice white/grey gravel clean looking!
Cut back on the lighting!
You need to get some Fertilization regime up and running asap....if you cant do that do large water changes every few days!
Purchase some Liquid Carbon if you don't have any Carbon source!
Pm if you need some!
Root tabs are a long term substrate additive you can purchase Dry fertilizers on here.... http://www.aquariumplantfood.co.uk/
How many hours would you recommend?
Ill get some EI ordered tonight and read up on it whilst it gets delivered. Seems like many use and even on that shop it refers back to here so it must be ok.
I have a FE on about 3 bps with inline diffuser.
As for the sand, was a necessary evil on the choice. So far it is ok but give it a few month and urm ye...
Get some floating plants bud!
I would go with 5 hours maximum...there will be a lot of reflection from that substrate!
Your plants will appreciate it in the long run.....low and slow as I say in the first few months!
Unsure if any of my LFS sell floating ones... Any you recommend that look nice and aren't a real pain to grow? A place to buy them would be nice also haha.
Sorry for the questions, your help is appreciated.
Ive adjusted my timers, the co2 one is a pain!