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Plants cycling


15 Feb 2016
Hi all,

sorry if this is a topic that's been covered to death before, but I'm curious about a 2.5 gallon cylinder I've set-up in my office, namely in terms of establishing it.

The plan is to insert some java fern and anubias (generous amount) in tandem with some liquid ferts, but I'm sure I read somewhere on here that running this set-up for say a month or so; the bacterial colony may start up? I'm assuming it's meant in regards to rotting plant leaves etc, in which case I have some catappa on hand.

Still haven't decided on whether its just shrimp or not, but I want to be meticulous before I add any livestock.

If it's not a good way to go, I can always just stick with plants and ferts; or cycle the tank with flake food
Just adding plants and water will provide enough bacteria to inoculate the filter, no need for ammonia, flake food or anything else.
Just adding plants and water will provide enough bacteria to inoculate the filter, no need for ammonia, flake food or anything else.

if done in this way, what steps would you take further; for livestock? Would you add the plants for a couple of weeks, then add further leaves or organic materials? Sorry if these are pretty simple questions
I'd plant heavily from the outset, you can add your leaves and as well if you like...just make sure there is plenty of aeration/surface water movement.
Leave for a month and I'm sure by then it'd be safe to gradually introduce critters.
Although test kits have their limitations, you could also get a pretty good idea if the tank is ready for habitation by using ammonia and nitrite test kits.
It's one of the few times I use test kits diagnostically, rather than just out of curiosity.
I'd plant heavily from the outset, you can add your leaves and as well if you like...just make sure there is plenty of aeration/surface water movement.
Leave for a month and I'm sure by then it'd be safe to gradually introduce critters.
Although test kits have their limitations, you could also get a pretty good idea if the tank is ready for habitation by using ammonia and nitrite test kits.
It's one of the few times I use test kits diagnostically, rather than just out of curiosity.

that's cool, I will do; thanks! 🙂