Hi all,
sorry if this is a topic that's been covered to death before, but I'm curious about a 2.5 gallon cylinder I've set-up in my office, namely in terms of establishing it.
The plan is to insert some java fern and anubias (generous amount) in tandem with some liquid ferts, but I'm sure I read somewhere on here that running this set-up for say a month or so; the bacterial colony may start up? I'm assuming it's meant in regards to rotting plant leaves etc, in which case I have some catappa on hand.
Still haven't decided on whether its just shrimp or not, but I want to be meticulous before I add any livestock.
If it's not a good way to go, I can always just stick with plants and ferts; or cycle the tank with flake food
sorry if this is a topic that's been covered to death before, but I'm curious about a 2.5 gallon cylinder I've set-up in my office, namely in terms of establishing it.
The plan is to insert some java fern and anubias (generous amount) in tandem with some liquid ferts, but I'm sure I read somewhere on here that running this set-up for say a month or so; the bacterial colony may start up? I'm assuming it's meant in regards to rotting plant leaves etc, in which case I have some catappa on hand.
Still haven't decided on whether its just shrimp or not, but I want to be meticulous before I add any livestock.
If it's not a good way to go, I can always just stick with plants and ferts; or cycle the tank with flake food