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Planted Tank Suppliers


11 Jun 2009
Hi all

Am in the market for a 5'x2'x2' tank and wondering who the pest supplier for planted tanks are.

I have had my eye on the Godiva range from conventry aquatics, aimed mainly at marine, they come with tank, sump, cabinet, cover glass and all plumbing, looking to be around £900 delivered.

Any other recommendations?


Try contacting some of the forum sponsors especially Aquariums Limited.
I've seen the tanks Aquariums Limited make and the stands. They are very nice indeed, I'll be getting one soon too. Ask about OptiWhite glass too - looks heaps better imo, at least for the front panel.
i can suggest a place in london if you can collect.they won't guarantee delivery in one piece so only an option if you live close.
I've recently ordered a tank from Aquariums Limited as well, not received it yet but it's one of the friendliest and knowledgeable companies I've been in contact with for a long time. I recommend you call them rather than rely on their website. Unfortunately they have a 10+ week waiting time at the moment.