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Plant Supplier - Hope this is appropriate to ask here

I don't know if I would trust a seller that has a "CO2 systems" category with just TNC Carbon under it... and a special plants category called "Shrimp safe", it usually means that they are probably imported from Asia and pesticides are used.
Thanks, so we really do get what we pay for.
fairly accurate

Last Singapore plants that arrived were the usual mixture of ordered 🙂 , recognize that though not ordered 😵 , what might that be :wideyed: (riparium plant maybe) ... most stem plants reflect that in price, but potted plants that are basically stems that have been presented in pots (imagine rhizome plants that are well ... lacking the rhizome ... yeah they all died 🙄) are not really such a bargain

Then there were the bunches that even after soaking for 48 hours, remained shrimp toxic - within 10 min, observed shrimp distress, removed all plants, added carbon, large water changes & still lost shrimp ... again plants were somewhat less cost effective :banghead:

Plants are always soaked overnight before placing in fish tanks (again experience is the efficient teacher)
They have been around for some time, I have ordered for them quite a few times but not for a few years now.
If you are starting a new tank with no real theme & want to get some experience with different plants then I cant see a problem.
I've bought their value plants just to fill up the tank. Get about 75 loose stems for £12.60 I think it is. They all seemed healthy, some have grown well, some have not, but I think thats more me 😵