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Plant suggestions please


5 Dec 2014
I am getting a new tank and have decided on some hardscape and will start putting things together just after Xmas.

I need to decide on some plants that I can order just after Xmas.

I am looking for nice, easy maintenance plants.

The tank is 58 litres, and 38x38x44cm with a fluval 106 filter and fluval LED lighting. I will have a tetraplant complete base, with unipac Limpopo sand over the top. Hardscape will consist of red wood root and dragon stone. Here's the pack of hardscape I will use..


I won't use all the rock and hope to have some good sections of sand clear.

So, what plants fit the bill and where would you put them?

The million dollar question. The world is your oyster - there are so many plants to choose from. To start have a peruse through this http://www.ukaps.org/forum/forums/planted-tank-gallery.49/ and think about the look you'd like to create and then choose the plants accordingly taking in to consideration the size of your tank.
Small plants would obviously lend a greater sense of scale - plants like Anubias Petite and/or Microsorum pteropus Narrow...they look good tied to the wood. Taxiphyllum barbieri also looks good on both wood and rock. If you want foreground interest you could try Lilaeopsis brasiliensis. And then consider mid and background accordingly.
Be creative, experiment and enjoy...