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Plant suggestions - Nano


19 Dec 2017
Hey Guys,

I picked up a Do!aqua mini s from TGM the other week (£18, sad to see the place go). This is just going to be a simple low tech for my office, probably shrimp only.

I've started a DSM with monte-carlo so is a couple of weeks away from flooding at the minute. I'm thinking of a taller plant i can have in the back left corner either side of the stone, but something that is not going to take over too quick.

I've got various Rotala in my main tank (rotundifolia, h-ra, indica) but not sure how h-ra and indica would cope with no CO2 (although i may dose easy-carbo) and feel rotundifolia may take over quite quick.

Anyone with any particular recommendations?




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That light looks a bit tasty for no co2 mate and MC can go either way. Some have had success with MC in non co2 tanks, is the light is dimmable? Coming from DSM with plenty of co2 into a low co2 environment it would be quite easy to burn them out with too much lighting especially when you have little other plant cover.
Hey mate, thanks for the reply. Yea don't worry light is completely dimmable, in 5% increments, so got it 100% now and will start it about 20% once flooded. I will probably dose some lco2 at least for a month or so whilst they transition.

Any suggestions as for a stem plant/ taller plant that wouldn't take over too quickly, whilst still being in balance with the size of the tank?