I bow to those with the superior knowledge. I'm ready to plant my Trigon 190. My plan is to run low tech with standard twin T5's, Eheim pro 4+350 and injected Co2. I've made plant choices on ease to keep, colour, texture and position in tank.
The foreground would be -
Monte Carlo
Staurogyne repens
Alternanthera reineckii mini to break up the green.
The middle -
Microsorum pteropus
Helanthium tenellum green
Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica
Hottonia palustris.
Around the rear-
Echinodorus cordifolius fluitans
Limnophila hippuridoides
Echinodorus rose
Potamogeton gayi
Nymphoides hydrophylla taiwan
Can you see any problems with my (newbie) selection?
Is this to much?
If some one could help with quantity that would be great this is rough hardscape
The foreground would be -
Monte Carlo
Staurogyne repens
Alternanthera reineckii mini to break up the green.
The middle -
Microsorum pteropus
Helanthium tenellum green
Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica
Hottonia palustris.
Around the rear-
Echinodorus cordifolius fluitans
Limnophila hippuridoides
Echinodorus rose
Potamogeton gayi
Nymphoides hydrophylla taiwan
Can you see any problems with my (newbie) selection?
Is this to much?
If some one could help with quantity that would be great this is rough hardscape