Jan Larsen
Hey hey,
tl;dr - looking for suggestions of fast spreading carpeting like plants that don't require a supernova worth of light, some moss and Crypt recommendations.
So I've already started the incredible bodge job of setting up a slightly larger, well actually it's almost twice as large, tank for my daughters two angel fish. Which is kind of a Christmas present type thing.
I acquired a Fluval Roma 90 with it's really rather annoying cabinet you can't stuff anything wider than 18Cm through the doors, if anyone knows of a decent canister filter that is no wider than this and can be had relatively cheap I'd be most grateful. Currently it is making do with a Fluval U2 and a Stingray 15 which makes my blood boil every time I have to look at them (Internal filters gives me twitches.)
Substrate is from the old tank and is a mix of some dark grey powder and black quartz, now I say mix because by now it's hardly layered anymore with quite a lot of the powdery stuff pretty much on top, this is not ideal at all I know but I can't really do an awful lot about it now, it seems to be staying put.
Lighting is two 15W T8's once they arrive the pinky ones that are in there will be replaced with two 865s or an 865 and a Sylvania Grolux (have ordered one of them as well just in case, and will have Iquatics reflectors added) So not exactly intense but could be worse I guess.
I have considered letting her have my old regulator, an FE and an in tank diffuser but am slightly adverse to the idea because I'd have nightmares of her thinking it'd be a fun idea to tamper with it and get herself hurt with the pressurised gas.
Half the background is well underway with Echinodorus (the 'red diamond' kind) and two different kinds of tall stems, one is a hygrophila of some description and the other.. Might also be from the same family I really can't remember now it was a while ago when we bought them, which are transplanted from the old tank. All three of these did pretty well in the past and I am hoping they will carry on,
(If I can't find her a canister filter I might swap the Fluval for an Eheim 2012 and try my best to conceal it in the corner behind them along with the heater. Or rather two heaters, there's a 50W and a 100W in there, have to make do with what I had since I can't use the inline heater I had gotten my claws on for her either *nngh*)
So that's all very well like, she has her Pleco fishes bogwood cave along the back as well, which is surrounded by some Cabomba, she really loves that plant, in her own words 'because it's got a funny name that I can remember and also it looks funny' 🙂 On top of her Pleco cave she would like to put a couple of sticks covered in moss that will hopefully grow out and mostly cover it - Any suggestions for something more interesting than java moss?
Then to the other corner comes the little sloping hill she was keen on having, now this is where my need for advice really starts, it slopes up a good 30Cm and is currently bare, We've been looking on the internet like mad and have come up with the idea of using one of the small Sagittaria species and some Cryptocorynes covering that hill. in the hope of forming quite dense covering and long roots holding the thing together. Is this silly? Anyone got a suggestion for an alternative to the Sag being in between the Crypts? A complete alternative that will give her a 'covered' hill with a few 'taller plants' sticking out of it? (these were pretty much her parameters, hill covered in green couple of taller plants sticking up of it.)
Then there is foreground, she's quite taken with hairgrass but I am wondering if those T8's will really reach down through what is going to be around 35Cm of water I guess? Any suggestions would be very welcome.
tl;dr - looking for suggestions of fast spreading carpeting like plants that don't require a supernova worth of light, some moss and Crypt recommendations.
So I've already started the incredible bodge job of setting up a slightly larger, well actually it's almost twice as large, tank for my daughters two angel fish. Which is kind of a Christmas present type thing.
I acquired a Fluval Roma 90 with it's really rather annoying cabinet you can't stuff anything wider than 18Cm through the doors, if anyone knows of a decent canister filter that is no wider than this and can be had relatively cheap I'd be most grateful. Currently it is making do with a Fluval U2 and a Stingray 15 which makes my blood boil every time I have to look at them (Internal filters gives me twitches.)
Substrate is from the old tank and is a mix of some dark grey powder and black quartz, now I say mix because by now it's hardly layered anymore with quite a lot of the powdery stuff pretty much on top, this is not ideal at all I know but I can't really do an awful lot about it now, it seems to be staying put.
Lighting is two 15W T8's once they arrive the pinky ones that are in there will be replaced with two 865s or an 865 and a Sylvania Grolux (have ordered one of them as well just in case, and will have Iquatics reflectors added) So not exactly intense but could be worse I guess.
I have considered letting her have my old regulator, an FE and an in tank diffuser but am slightly adverse to the idea because I'd have nightmares of her thinking it'd be a fun idea to tamper with it and get herself hurt with the pressurised gas.
Half the background is well underway with Echinodorus (the 'red diamond' kind) and two different kinds of tall stems, one is a hygrophila of some description and the other.. Might also be from the same family I really can't remember now it was a while ago when we bought them, which are transplanted from the old tank. All three of these did pretty well in the past and I am hoping they will carry on,
(If I can't find her a canister filter I might swap the Fluval for an Eheim 2012 and try my best to conceal it in the corner behind them along with the heater. Or rather two heaters, there's a 50W and a 100W in there, have to make do with what I had since I can't use the inline heater I had gotten my claws on for her either *nngh*)
So that's all very well like, she has her Pleco fishes bogwood cave along the back as well, which is surrounded by some Cabomba, she really loves that plant, in her own words 'because it's got a funny name that I can remember and also it looks funny' 🙂 On top of her Pleco cave she would like to put a couple of sticks covered in moss that will hopefully grow out and mostly cover it - Any suggestions for something more interesting than java moss?
Then to the other corner comes the little sloping hill she was keen on having, now this is where my need for advice really starts, it slopes up a good 30Cm and is currently bare, We've been looking on the internet like mad and have come up with the idea of using one of the small Sagittaria species and some Cryptocorynes covering that hill. in the hope of forming quite dense covering and long roots holding the thing together. Is this silly? Anyone got a suggestion for an alternative to the Sag being in between the Crypts? A complete alternative that will give her a 'covered' hill with a few 'taller plants' sticking out of it? (these were pretty much her parameters, hill covered in green couple of taller plants sticking up of it.)
Then there is foreground, she's quite taken with hairgrass but I am wondering if those T8's will really reach down through what is going to be around 35Cm of water I guess? Any suggestions would be very welcome.