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Plant Ideas


5 Sep 2016
Newbie to plants, My tank plan is low tech with fx co2 in Juwel 190. Plant substrate will be ADA amozonia soil and power, hardscape is made up of red moor, dragon stone and Maui fine quartz. I live in London so hardwater area.
I would like to use Christmas on tree tops and another moss on some of the branches also put small plants in some of rock wall face/joints (not to cover the face)
These will be planted in a non cycled fishless tank (will be doing fishless cycle after setup is complete)
TIA for any suggestions.
Newbie to plants, My tank plan is low tech with fx co2 in Juwel 190. Plant substrate will be ADA amozonia soil and power, hardscape is made up of red moor, dragon stone and Maui fine quartz. I live in London so hardwater area.
I would like to use Christmas on tree tops and another moss on some of the branches also put small plants in some of rock wall face/joints (not to cover the face)
These will be planted in a non cycled fishless tank (will be doing fishless cycle after setup is complete)
TIA for any suggestions.

Grab some loctite glue for the moss, it will save you a whole lot of hassle trying to attach it; best doing it dry though
Hi, it's so hard to suggest plants to others as there is such variety! If your considering plants to attach to hardscape, popular types are Anubias, Microsorum and more recently Bucephalandra (there are quite A lot of variation is species within these too). A nice bushy one is bolbitis heudelotii. These are all fairly slow growing plants (faster with using co2).

If you've t5 lights and will be running co2, your tank will fall into the 'high tech' rather than low tech. Do you perhaps mean you need advice with choosing plants suitable for beginners? The above should be but would recommend having fast growing stem plants too 🙂 Good luck!