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Plant ideas for my low tech

Matt Havens

22 Jun 2015

Want to play around with this tank a little, add some more plants maybe have a small move around of some hardscape etc.

Wanted to get other peoples opinion on what they would do. What would you do?
I was personally thinking of adding quite a few Buce's to the wood and rocks to the left, possibly change the Hygro at the back left for something that will fill the space better and is bushy and creates cover, adding a background plant in the back right hand corner to hide filter intake better and finally add a very short carpeting plant to the foreground.

Any feedback welcome!

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Following this to see how you hide your filter...
I have nothing to add, you are clearly doing something right looking at your plants in this low-tech!

Following this to see how you hide your filter...
I have nothing to add, you are clearly doing something right looking at your plants in this low-tech!

Thanks Reayman but a close up would show the true story of BBA which has been present for god knows how long.

I will update when I get round to doing it. Will see if I get any other responses first.

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