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Plant ID


12 Oct 2013
Valencia, Spain
Hi all

I have exchanged this plant with a guy
and he told me that it is Lomariopsis lineata (actually the gametophyte of L. lineata, as I have learnt that Lomariopsis is not a liverwort but a fern). But TBH it looks like Pellia, isn't it?

Anyone can tell me what it is please? In both cases, will it get adapted to emersed growing?

Seaweed😕...hang on while I consult my Hong Kong book of Plant Kung Fu...it says it's Lomariopsis lineata🙄

But it could be wrong...
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Lomariopsis lineata can be a little slower to get started, then Monosolenium tenerum..........but once it gets going, it's quite easy. IMO Lomariopsis generally has a better (more rich) colour and a more compact and "crincled" growth. Can be tied to rock, and really suit a branching piece of redmoore wood (like you would do moss).
Consider yourself lucky, Jordi, it's a true little marvel :thumbup:[DOUBLEPOST=1405542227][/DOUBLEPOST]- oh.....it will not like a life out of water, by the way !!