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plant ID request


10 Mar 2008
Can someone ID one of the plants in this photo for me please?
The one I am interested in is the one planted smack bang in the middle of the tank with the crinkly leaves reaching to the surface...


(The pic was taken at a LFS about a year ago by the way)

Thanks! 🙂
It's an Aponogeton but I'm not sure of the species. It has narrower leaves than the types usually sold as A.ulvaceous but it doesn't have the bullation of A.crispus. I think your best bet to find a similar one would be to look at plant sellers online and find one whose picture matches as closely as possible as most Aponogetons sold today are hybrids anyway and will all vary slightly.
You could be right Graeme; I got the wrong species when I was referring to bullation. I meant A.biovinianus.

It's leaves look a little narrower than true crispus to me, but the ones you usually see are hybrids anyway so vary a lot.

Edit: Maybe it might be this?
Aponogeton longiplumulosus
Thanks guys.

It does look just like that Aponogeton longiplumulosus. The LFS it is in does stock some tropica plants so it could well be that exact one.

Even if it is a slightly different hybrid, I am happy just to confirm that it is an Aponogeton 🙂