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Plant ID, help needed please!


15 Dec 2013
Hi everyone,
So im starting to put together a list of plants for my new aquarium and Im having a little trouble ID'ing one in particular. I thought it to be 'Hydrocotyle Leucocephala or Mushroom Pennywort' but descriptions of this plant say that it grows tall and upwards where as the plant ive seen (including the one in this pic) seem to grow horizontally and along the substrate. Any help would be great, thankyou!

It's Hydrocotyl tripartita, or Hydrocotyl sp. 'Japan'. It will grow across the substrate if given adequate CO2.

By the way, nice tank! Is that mini landscape rock you've used?
Sorry, I should have made it clear that this is not my tank. Its from a screen grab of a youtube video.

Thankyou for the reply though, most helpful.
Its Norbert Sabats scape 'Time' :thumbup:
Norbert Sabat’s new scape, named “ Time ”, just about to be ...
To save opening another thread any chance anyone know this one too. This one i saw in a display tank at The Aquatic Design Centre in central London. It had both green and red colours and the individual leaves had serrated edges.

Thanks for the clarification. That was one on my shortlist but all the examples I found online looked far too big. Can I ask how you know? Perhaps my online sources arent comprehensive enough.
Many Thanks
It can grow wider than this. But still smaller than Pogostemon stellata. The plant is very good at adapting to different conditions in the tank.
I know, because I have worked a lot with this plant. I'm product developer at Tropica 🙂.
Oh, that makes you plant royalty! 🙂
Thanks for the reply, I have my list ready now so cheers for the help everyone.
Hmmm - that didn't come out as entended............but you'll get the idea, anyway, I suppose !!!