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Plant ID for my lovely plants. :-)

Zak Rafik

11 Aug 2014
Hi Everyone,

This evening I bought 3 plants for my planted tank.

Yup! I have fallen victim to planting more and more plants.

My mind tells me “STOP! Your tank already looks like a jungle!”

But my heart says “Go head! Enjoy. Life is short, man!”

OK, silly jokes apart, the shop where I bought doesn’t have a clue on what type of plants these are. The plants were sold in plastic bags filled with water so I assume that these are 100% aquatic ones.

I have attached the photos here.

Can some kind members please identify these and maybe share your knowledge on the requirements and due care these plants deserve.

When I brought them home, I rinsed them in running tap water for some time and then put them a small open plastic container with de-chlorinated water. I have checked them for snail eggs and they passed the test. The only big concern is the pesticide used on these plants. Can you advice on how long one should wait before these are safe enough to be planted in the tank.

Thanks and Cheers.



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Hi Lain,
Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the broken link. I placed the photos in a folder but I guess it's not working. Anyway I have updated again and hope you can see them now. 🙂

I think its good idea to do water change too. I don't have any special shrimps in my tank apart from Yamato/Amano shrimps. When they'r in the bucket for 1 week, what about their lighting and nutrition needs?
Do I need to add light and does fertz?

Thanks and Cheers
Hi Zak,
The first one looks like Alternanthera rosaefolia to me and the second is Hydrocotyle verticillata.
I can't really make out the third one (looks interesting though) - hope someone else can..

cheers[DOUBLEPOST=1409158371][/DOUBLEPOST]PS - I'd trim 2-4 leaves off the bottom of each of those Alternanthera stems if I were you - they'll just rot in the substrate.
Hi Ben
Nice of you to answer. I'll google them up asap. Frankly telling you, I know that the members can easily identify the 1st and 2nd plant cause I have seen them on YouTube but I didn't know their exact names.
As for the 3rd plant, I also knew it would be tough one to identify. I fell in love, the moment I saw this plant. It resembles a tiny palm tree and the colours are so wonderful.
Anyway, I'm confident that members in UKAPS will solve this mystery in a matter of days for sure.

BTW thanks for the planting tip, Ben.
Alternantera - yep
Hydrocotyle - yep
..........and the third one is Selaginella of some kind. Unfortunately it will not last under water 🙁
The last one looks like a selaginella erythropus 'ruby red'. It is a terrestrial spike moss which cant grow underwater i'm afraid, there is a species of selaginella that can, but they are rare as hell and i dont think that it is this type. If you still want to keep it it'd do better in a humid propagator or something, or if you had some emersed hardscape it would do well on there too.[DOUBLEPOST=1409168186][/DOUBLEPOST]Darn you mick! Just as i was writing that message haha.
The last one looks like a selaginella erythropus 'ruby red'. It is a terrestrial spike moss which cant grow underwater i'm afraid.
Actually it is a fern that looks like a moss. I grow a close species on Hygrolon in my new nano vivarium, also grows well in my propagators, a wood setup... It is a fantastic plant for growing in humid conditions but as Dominic mentions it cannot be grown underwater. What a pity, this species looks great

Haha sorry I don't know much about selaginellas but enough to recognise it! Haha! I have considered getting it before, it does look really good. Got any pictures of your nano vivarium parotet?
Hi guys
Ok the winner for being as fast as Speedy Gonzales is Mick.Dk. :clap: You're spot on. :thumbup:

I managed to find some info about the other plants.



As for my Selaginella (love at 1st sight plant), guess it was puppy love after all.:lol:
I'll try to return it back to the shop for an exchange (if I'm lucky).

As fellow members have rightly pointed out Selaginella is a plant for paludarium and not aquatic.
There is an excellent article titled "21 plants to avoid in the aquarium" from practicalfishkeeping.co.uk. Hope that new fellow members find it useful and can know what ok and what is not.
The link is below:


Once again thanks to everyone for your valuable input. Cheers🙂
Hi Dominic

Sweet vivarium man! Haha i'll take it off of zak if he's offering? 😛

Sure I don't mind giving the plant to you for free but I don't think we're living in the same country. 😀
I'm in South East Asia.

Anyway I didn't return the plant to the shop as I figured that I would be spending more time and patrol than the price of the plant. Now I just let it chill in my quarantine tank with my new 30 Red Cherry shrimps. 😎

Hi guys

sweet man they should nibble on it as it starts to rot away nice healthy snack!

My Selaginella is still doing great after floating about in quarantine tank for past few days.
Took this photo this morning.


Here you have a kind of journal:
Must grow well in the emersed part of your fantastic huge tank!

Maybe I'll start something new after some inspiration.😉
