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Piranha Tank at the London Aquarium

That is good to hear, aquadip have some stunning plants.

I was really impressed by their plants.. Usually I buy only Tropica but these were in really top condition. The echinodorus were impressive..

Yep Aquadip have come on leaps and Bounds in the last few years. I prefer to buy my live foods from them, If it is available from the sellers I know buy from them.
Hi Luis,

Wow! What a great project, this has the potential to be a wonderful displayl! 🙂

Can you share some tech specs with us, please? Lighting, CO2, ferts, substrate etc?

Is the tank's filtration system standalone or linked to all of the other freshwater displays?

Great video, and thanks for sharing mate!

George 🙂
Thanks George.

The filter is shared with the other displays so ferts are root balls.

We are dosing co2 on the tank 24/7, the aquarium staff monitors it. It is mostly for the echinodorus, and they should reach the top quickly.

Lights are 6 x 250w halogen, 30 par at substrate level, 50 par midway. Above the water, on the wood, there are anubias.

On the wood we have moss, anubias and ferns, easy plants.

I will let Tony share the complete plant list. A total of 400 pots were used, all Aquadip.

It is a easy tank for the staff to maintain, and they are very excited about it.

Can't wait to see the video

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Nice vids luis, aren't you worried about the plants being eaten? From what I understand, piranhas eat most aquatic plants don't they?
No.. Piranhas eat fish and meat, they do not eat plants.. They are just too big for most tanks, this is why you never see them on planted tanks.
Until now.. 🙂

Are you sure luis, I have a friend that kept red bellies and they demolished £80 worth of java fern in a week. A quick google search also tells me that they eat as much aquatic vegetation as meat, some breeds will actually rather eat aquatic vegetation. I really hope you're correct and they do leave them alone.
Very nice Luis. Those bolbitis at the back are massive! Like palm leaves. The tank is looking green already which is amazing considering its size. Its going to look great when plants grow and fill out.
Thanks.. yep, the bolbitis at the back are massive.. never seen them so big..

The tank is planted in a way to allow for the fish to swim, and the wood is closer to glass so that the people can see the fish, and take pictures.

There are more fish to go in, such as 100 otos, but they are still in quarantine.

As the tank has to cater to all people, you see such items as the stone face, and the skull, the kids love it.

The plants need to fill up, and I will visit once a week to see if they need any help, but the staff is really good and interested in plants. Things are changing. 🙂
Second video looking good, as long they keep on top of it with maintenance etc... 😉 last time I was there was disappointing the state of some of the tanks.
Great vids - strange choice of music thought!
I have a planed trip to the aquarium in April, looking forward to seeing the tank & fish.

It is a odd music, but the only one I had without copyright.. Youtube likes to put adverts on anything that has copyright..
Second video looking good, as long they keep on top of it with maintenance etc... 😉 last time I was there was disappointing the state of some of the tanks.

They got two people dedicated to this tank, they go inside once a week to clean the glass. I am also visiting once a week to see if they need help.

There may be some die back, but there are some easy plants in there, so they will keep the tank going.

The staff just needs time for it, they are really busy..