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Piranha Tank at the London Aquarium

Wow this tank is going to be immense! Next time i'm in London I'll be checking this out for sure is it going to be low or high tech?
Nice one Luis 🙂 whats it like being piranha bate? 😛
Now that's a lorra plants! look forward to seeing it complete.
Piranha seem like the ideal choice for a planted tank! 😉
Nice work Louis.
Everybody does tetras and other fish. This is different.. 🙂

About 400 pots of plants from Aquadip.. Top quality plants.. You see the size of the bolbitis.. 🙂

I have a video of the guy that is in charge of the tank swimming inside.. Just amazing.

Everybody does tetras and other fish. This is different.. 🙂

About 400 pots of plants from Aquadip.. Top quality plants.. You see the size of the bolbitis.. 🙂

I have a video of the guy that is in charge of the tank swimming inside.. Just amazing.


You've gotta show us that video in that case luis 🙂

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Is this the one by London Eye, As it seriuosly needs updating. Was very Dissapointed with the whole place, was nothing special in the tanks, and Little one knew the names of most of the fish there.
About time someone took some interest in the planted tanks in the place.
Is this the one by London Eye, As it seriuosly needs updating. Was very Dissapointed with the whole place, was nothing special in the tanks, and Little one knew the names of most of the fish there.
About time someone took some interest in the planted tanks in the place.

Yes, it is the one by London Eye..

They are now revamping the tanks, and ditching the fake plants.. I am sure that you will see more changes, I think that Planted Tanks has been invited to do more tanks, they are using Aquadip plants.

Most tanks will be planted with easy plants, such as ferns, anubias, crypts and moss, not easy to add co2 to the volume of water these guys are using.
I can say that this project has been massive. 2.5 months planning and growing some enormous bolbtis 1.5m tall.
We have been asked to go back and scape up and supply for many more tanks.
I am really pleased we had Luis help and assistance on this project.