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Pipe reducers


19 Mar 2024
Quick question. I have an Oase Biomaster 250 thermal and recently picked up some glas lily pipes from FZONE really cheap! Problem is I made a mistake and ordered 12mm lily pipes and as you all know the tubing on the filter is 16mm. Would it be detrimental or damaging to reduce the tubing down to 12mm with some reducers? FYI the filter is going on a small 60 liter tank so is substantial overkill!
From what I remember, the standard outflow that comes with the filter has a register to reduce flow, so I'm sure reducing it isn't damaging.

My experience is that the biomaster 350 doesn't react well to restriction in the inflow, the reduced inner pressure helps eventual leaks of air into the filter, and the annoying bubble sounds. It becomes evident when the inflow gets blocked by detritus or something like that. If you come to experience excessive noise due to air entering the system, I would advise to try to replace the inlet. But not without testing it first.