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Photosynthesis - Scientific Explanation Video!


9 Mar 2013
Hi all,

Purely for your interest...

Whilst studying/revising for my Science Degree, I discovered a technical video that shows what happens during photosynthesis in our plants on a molecular level!

It's a bit technical if you are unfamiliar with the biological terms of photosynthesis but hopefully you'll find it interesting! It covers how plants use water and CO2 to create Oxygen and Glucose. It also shows what happens scientifically when not enough co2 is available!


Very interesting. At least temporarily, I know more about photosynthesis than I will ever need 🙂
epic, loving your work...I'm pausing after 3 mins as that is my attention span this morning, but this is excellent, would have been awesome to watch in biology class

Plus great to see Steven Merchant has a geek side