Found an intresting table at the FB page from RareAquaticPlants.com. 🙂
It shows a table with the relation between the plants absorption of all nutrients at different pH levels.. It came without any backup reference links, so i have no idea about it's validity nor if it's exclusive meant to be for submersed grow forms. But still an interesting subject.. 🙂
Originating source.. In Italiën for those interested, but so far the point taken and doesn't realy need any comments translation.

It shows a table with the relation between the plants absorption of all nutrients at different pH levels.. It came without any backup reference links, so i have no idea about it's validity nor if it's exclusive meant to be for submersed grow forms. But still an interesting subject.. 🙂
Originating source.. In Italiën for those interested, but so far the point taken and doesn't realy need any comments translation.