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Ph 8.2

If you have to much light on a low tech tank the uptake demand for CO2 is higher than you could ever provide with excel...high light asks plants to grow faster, but without prober building blocks to do that they will suffer. Lower your light to 5-6 hours per day and less intensive (T5's are powerful), cut away damaged leaves as they won't recover and only give you more trouble in the form of to much organic waste in your tank. Swords like some fertz at their feet, maybe after a few week add some root taps if needed. Hope everything recovers fast, but in low tech it can take more time.

Thanks for the advice I'll drop the lighting period down to six as changing them out isn't an option at the minute and I'll see how I get on, already putting root tabs in under the swords, next time when I upgrade gonna try a dirted tank I think and cut my water with RO as its really hard here and is probably contributing to my plants decline

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Don't actually use duckweed as its a nightmare to get rid off.

Try Water Lettuce or Frogbit.

I put five bits of water lettuce in three weeks ago and it's all gone, my rams chewed the bottoms inbetween the roots and the leave died off, there's was literally nothing left of them after about five to six days

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Changed the tank about a bit since we last spoke 435e120ea2576e23a68d657c4434063a.jpg
What do you think?

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The "Duckweed index" does not need duckweed...any floating plant will do.
I have a problem then as my water lettuce only lasted like five days, the flow of my pump just pushed it in to the corner and it was getting no light and my rams liked munching on them, any suggestions?

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Do you have the straight adapter for the filter outlet? This attaches to the current outlet and directs the flow parallel to to the surface. I find this gives better flow and still agitates the surface.

I always struggled with anything but duckweed in my Juwel tanks. One thing you could try would be to add a lot of floating plants at once. It will also help cut down the light intensity.
Do you have the straight adapter for the filter outlet? This attaches to the current outlet and directs the flow parallel to to the surface. I find this gives better flow and still agitates the surface.

I always struggled with anything but duckweed in my Juwel tanks. One thing you could try would be to add a lot of floating plants at once. It will also help cut down the light intensity.
It came with the filter housing it comes out straight then bends off at 45degrees
I believe I've still got some sort of nutrient deficiency as the leaves of them water lettuce just browned and turned to mush, what sort of floating plant would you suggest? Duck weed is just going to be sucked in to the top part of the filter

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Maybe just cut of that angle and make it straight. As for floaters, Limnobium laevigatum and Salvinia natans might work.
If I cut it I won't get any surface agitation, I'll have a look at them, cheers

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I like the first sponge plant may try that but wanna get this problem sorted first, I went for the low tech approach thinking I'd get results easier, not as easy as I first thought, going to try tropica speacilised, should I stop dosing flourish excel?

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Excel only helps you, why stop?
Still unsure of the whole process but I'm getting there, may ask a stupid question from time to time but eventually I'll have happy healthy plants just need to find that balance

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