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Pest Snail how to get rid of

The plants are only eaten when they are already in poor condition. And then the snails do their work.
Totally agree. My ramshorn, Malaysian trumpet snails and bladder snails play a HUGE part in keeping the tank as clean as possible. A big thumbs up for them!

Never seen my snails eat healthy plants, except when I stopped feeding a bunch of big mystery snails… they protested and ate all the leaves of the Java fern…

My ramshorn, Malaysian trumpet snails and bladder snails play a HUGE part in keeping the tank as clean as possible. A big thumbs up for them!
There are very few snails in most of my tanks. Instead, there are a lot of Malawa shrimps (Caridina pareparensis parvidentata ). Unfortunately, these also eat the snails. But otherwise they do the same job as snails. There are no Malawa shrimps in two tanks. So snails have a chance.
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I’m a fan of most snails & deliberately encourage some pretty colour morphs of common ramshorns - shades of red & some that look dark blue but the foot is a deep plum colour.

One thing I didn’t see mentioned was the use of snails that are snail predators to deal with nuisance snails.

Here (Canada) it’s common to use Assassin snails to reduce numbers of or eliminate nuisance snail species & they are attractive in themselves. But they can be tough to eliminate later on because if you have both sexes they are more prolific than most think they are.

I keep some Asolene spixi snails ( may not be available in the UK - I’m not sure about that). They’re a modest sized member of the apple snail family and are fairly effective snail predators- though they don’t go after MTS, as they are not a burrowing species.

They’re attractive & while they are not 100% plant safe I never had any issues with them eating my plants aside from the odd floater like salvinia.

They spawn underwater but the clutches are quite sizeable so they’re easily seen & removed if desired.

One of my A.spixi snails.

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