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Perfect DIY Material!


20 Mar 2013
Just found this video on the internet. This stuff looks like it could have an endless number of uses for DIY projects in the aquarium.

I actually have a little bag of this stuff which I've never gotten around to using. I was going to use it for some computer case modding or something, which means I must of had it for about 10 years!

I'll figure out something to do with it someday 🙂
It strikes me as something that has limitless possibilities in our hobby. I'm assuming it's aquarium safe, of course.
(Resurrecting an old-ish post, but just in case anyone else comes across this ...)
I've got a big tub of it (Polymorph from Maplin). It's ok, but it's difficult to make anything that looks pretty. Also it's a PITA to cut if you want to do something like trim edges.