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Pearl weed


2 May 2013
Hi all, new member here, nice to meet you all, was wondering if anyone could tell me where i can buy some pearl weed, thx for looking and any info given
Thx Tim, but like everywhere else the buggers sold out:}
I didn't see that. I always try to use our sponsors, the quality of the plants is pretty much guaranteed.
However, on the rare occasion they don't have what I want, I use this eBay seller https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/k2aqua?_trksid=p2047675.l2559
The plants have always been top quality, and they usually have a great selection; they should have some pearl weed.
Thx again Tim and thx Fiske for the quick replys, Tim i bought what i hope to be pearl weed from that site, looks pretty anyway thx again guys:}