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Pea pod botanicals


15 Nov 2015
I've seen all those cool seed pods that look really cool but cost an arm and a leg and thought whilst I was watering my purple podded peas I thought they had potential. I know peas are safe as we've fed them for years but unsure if they will last very long underwater. I know I need to dry them first but was wondering if anyone has tried this or similar before? So is it worth trying basically?
A while ago i searched the net in the Dry flower arragnment hobby.. The same seed pots and so on are found as well rather with a better price.. Just need to make sure you get the natural untreated ones. For example alder cones come in gross bags for a few euros.. Would cost you a day and probably the same amount of gasoline to get there and collect them all by hand.. 🙂
I collect alders when I take my dog swimming so just looking for some more variety and I have the peas freely available. More recycling than intentionally buying at the moment.
Pea cases are pretty thin and brittle once dry, on the other hand they'll stand up to a winter outside. I'd be inclined to think they'd be safe though so worth ago to see how well they hold up. I would think like autumn leaves best left on the plant to dry out before picking.