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Par meter recommendations


4 Feb 2010
Id like your opinions and recommendations on a decent par meter pllllllease
Price is a factor. I'm just working out if I could buy one and loan it out to
Members. Not sure if its a good idea.

The idea is that I rent it out for so much a week, you pay postage back and forth and also a deposit.

Is only allow this to happen to members that have been joined for a certain time or post count.

Obviously would have to discuss this with mods.
I guess so. There would be a decent deposit left that you wouldn't get back if the machine was broken. Just an idea I guess
A good idea would be to get some par readings from various lights on various common sized tanks. Like the fluval 11w CFL compared to the tmc 400 ect ...
Just an idea if you do get one 🙂