Hi all,
It's a sad weekend as we come to terms with the loss of the talented aquascaper Felipe Oliveira. I never got the chance to meet him, but have admired his work and I know that many of you were close to him, so I am sorry for your loss, and the terrible loss his family is feeling.
I thought that at such a low moment, it is important to look for the beauty in the world, and I think many of you will agree, that aquatic plants are pretty good at providing such beauty. Therefore, I thought I would share few more images from my adventures in Brazil, where there are many habitats rich in colourful fishes and plants.
These photos are from the Pantanal wetlands in the west of the country, along the Serra do Amolar, a border region between Bolivia and Brazil which, unlike most of the Pantanal, is flooded year-round. I was exploring this area in May 2021 with members of the Environmental Agency of Mato Grosso do Sul (IMASUL) collecting plants and information for the newly built public aquarium, the Bioparque in Campo Grande, MS.
All these photos are my own and were taken with an Olympus TG5 Tough Camera, with a Backscatter M52 wet lens.
Plants we found here include:
Cabomba furcata
Echinodorus spp. including E. aff. macrophyllus
Eleocharis spp.
Pontederia spp. including P.a azurea and P. diversifolia
Ludwigia inclinata ‘red’
Nymphaea spp. including N. belophylla Tricket
Polygonum spp.
Typha spp.
Victoria amazonica
Fishes we saw here included:
Aphyocharax rathbuni
Bryconops melanurus
Crenicichla vittata
Farlowella sp.
Hyphessobrycon elachys
Hemigrammus tridens
Hemigrammus ulreyi
Hyphessobrycon eques
Mesonauta festivum
Moenkhausa bonita
Moenkhausia dichroura
Potamorrhaphis eigenmanni
Potamotrygon motoro
Serrasalmus marginatus
Ludwigia inclinata and Pontederia sp.

Ludwigia inclinata, Eleocharis sp. and Echinodorus aff. macrophyllus

Ludwigia inclinata, Eleocharis and Pontederia sp.

Ludwigia inclinata

Aphyocharax rathbuni among stems of Pontederia sp.

Pontederia sp. (possibly P. diversifolia) and Ludwigia inclinata

Ludwigia inclinata and Eleocharis sp.

Ludwigia inclinata

Ludwigia inclinata

Ludwigia inclinata and Pontederia sp. (possibly P. diversifolia)

Ludwigia inclinata

Moenkhausia bonita with Ludwigia inclinata in flower
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Ludwigia inclinata in flower
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Exploring the habitat

Ludwigia inclinata

Ludwigia inclinata flowering and Echinodrus aff. macrophyllus

That ain't an Echinodorus, this is an Echinodorus!

A healthy specimen of Echinodorus aff. macrophyllus

Victoria amazonica

Victoria amazonica flower

Victoria amazonica

Victoria amazonica
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Pontederia azurea

Pontederia azurea and Nymphaea belophylla Trickett

Collecting Nymphaea belophylla Trickett

Looking down into a clearwater river flowing through the wetlands


Aphyocharax rathbuni among stems of Pontederia sp.

Hemigrammus ulreyi
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Aphyocharax rathbuni and Hemigrammus ulreyi
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Farlowella sp.
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I hope you enjoyed the photos! I am currently working very hard on my Aquatic Habitats Book with George Farmer (which is why I'm not posting much to youtube/UKAPS etc). Once the book is done I hope to make a lot more material available.
It's a sad weekend as we come to terms with the loss of the talented aquascaper Felipe Oliveira. I never got the chance to meet him, but have admired his work and I know that many of you were close to him, so I am sorry for your loss, and the terrible loss his family is feeling.
I thought that at such a low moment, it is important to look for the beauty in the world, and I think many of you will agree, that aquatic plants are pretty good at providing such beauty. Therefore, I thought I would share few more images from my adventures in Brazil, where there are many habitats rich in colourful fishes and plants.
These photos are from the Pantanal wetlands in the west of the country, along the Serra do Amolar, a border region between Bolivia and Brazil which, unlike most of the Pantanal, is flooded year-round. I was exploring this area in May 2021 with members of the Environmental Agency of Mato Grosso do Sul (IMASUL) collecting plants and information for the newly built public aquarium, the Bioparque in Campo Grande, MS.
All these photos are my own and were taken with an Olympus TG5 Tough Camera, with a Backscatter M52 wet lens.
Plants we found here include:
Cabomba furcata
Echinodorus spp. including E. aff. macrophyllus
Eleocharis spp.
Pontederia spp. including P.a azurea and P. diversifolia
Ludwigia inclinata ‘red’
Nymphaea spp. including N. belophylla Tricket
Polygonum spp.
Typha spp.
Victoria amazonica
Fishes we saw here included:
Aphyocharax rathbuni
Bryconops melanurus
Crenicichla vittata
Farlowella sp.
Hyphessobrycon elachys
Hemigrammus tridens
Hemigrammus ulreyi
Hyphessobrycon eques
Mesonauta festivum
Moenkhausa bonita
Moenkhausia dichroura
Potamorrhaphis eigenmanni
Potamotrygon motoro
Serrasalmus marginatus
Ludwigia inclinata and Pontederia sp.

Ludwigia inclinata, Eleocharis sp. and Echinodorus aff. macrophyllus

Ludwigia inclinata, Eleocharis and Pontederia sp.

Ludwigia inclinata

Aphyocharax rathbuni among stems of Pontederia sp.

Pontederia sp. (possibly P. diversifolia) and Ludwigia inclinata

Ludwigia inclinata and Eleocharis sp.

Ludwigia inclinata

Ludwigia inclinata

Ludwigia inclinata and Pontederia sp. (possibly P. diversifolia)

Ludwigia inclinata

Moenkhausia bonita with Ludwigia inclinata in flower
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Ludwigia inclinata in flower
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Exploring the habitat

Ludwigia inclinata

Ludwigia inclinata flowering and Echinodrus aff. macrophyllus

That ain't an Echinodorus, this is an Echinodorus!

A healthy specimen of Echinodorus aff. macrophyllus

Victoria amazonica

Victoria amazonica flower

Victoria amazonica

Victoria amazonica
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Pontederia azurea

Pontederia azurea and Nymphaea belophylla Trickett

Collecting Nymphaea belophylla Trickett

Looking down into a clearwater river flowing through the wetlands


Aphyocharax rathbuni among stems of Pontederia sp.

Hemigrammus ulreyi
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Aphyocharax rathbuni and Hemigrammus ulreyi
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Farlowella sp.
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I hope you enjoyed the photos! I am currently working very hard on my Aquatic Habitats Book with George Farmer (which is why I'm not posting much to youtube/UKAPS etc). Once the book is done I hope to make a lot more material available.