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Paludarium build help

Sean w

5 Aug 2018
Hey folks, hope you're all doing well! I have a few questions regarding a planted tank, I've been messing around with them for almost 2 years and I've decided I want to try something ridiculously complicated and was hoping to get some pointers.
So far I've just finished building a 4meter long tank, the glass has been covered with an anti condensation film and will be almost fully sealed ( a few holes to let some gasses escape) the lid will have a cave celling look covered in silicon (avoiding mould) so as to create "rain" from the condensation and keep water in the tank. An internal island around 1meter long will be placed in the center of the tank and on both ends I'll create small beaches. A pump hidden behind the island to create a constant flow of water around it. Calculating the depth and leaving 20cm of substrate to create an anaerobic effect I should have roughly over 200 gallons of water. Now for the tricky part ( as if this wasn't already a pain), I need plants that will help keep the water ballanced for fish in the future but I also don't want to be trimming the plants either, so could anyone recommend a good balance of fast growing plants and herbivorous fish to keep the plant growth In check but also create enough C02 and nutrients to keep them healthy? I tried turtles before but my plants just got destroyed, and chichlids just tend to uproot the plants.

The tank will be stocked with a lot of shrimp as well and salamander to keep the population down, I'm trying to keep this as self sustaining as possible but don't mind the occasional feeding

Sorry for the long post

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this 🙂

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That is a very unusual set up!
Is this some sort of public display?
What type of salamanders are you thinking about, how are you going to heat and filter the tank?
If you want to keep submerged plants in check, that should not be a problem as growth underwater is normally very slow unless you supply additional C02 to the water.