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8 Jan 2012
Hi folks.I'm in the process of setting up a planted tank. A friend of mine whos had reef tanks in the past has offered me an ozone system.
My question is, are they worth it.? Do they make any difference.
Has anyone had any experience with them?
I've been using hydrogen peroxide now and then, which is supposedly similar in effect. To decrease dissolved organics and microbes in the water column, to increase redox and oxygen content. Perhaps it works, but if the dose is low/safe, results are hardly discernible. And if you increase the dose, plants and other living organisms may be severely damaged.
Locally, H2O2 is efficient against cyanobacteria.
Never heard of anyone using ozone generators in freshwater tanks. I would even venture to say that it might be detrimental.

What people usually use though are these electrochemical devices made by either Chihiros or Twinstar which supposedly "sterilize" your water, inhibits algae spores and prevents fish/shrimp diseases. Lots of claims which have never been proven by these companies. I have one myself and strongly believe all the above claims are pretty much BS and I only use it to increase oxygenation of the water. This thread is probably the most viewed thread on this forum, yet there isn't any definitive answer on the subject. IMO this tells loads on the matter...
Ok folks thanks for getting back to me. I think il give it a miss then. Iv seen those twinstar nano things. Hoping to get one in future.
Cheers guys
Ok. Thats what il do then. Itl save me few quid too. Thanks
Ozone for freshwater is becoming a thing here in Brazil, mostly pushed by the LFSs looking to sell one more equipment. People seem to like it and report greater water clarity, but I never really looked it up with interest, so I don't know.
People seem to like it and report greater water clarity
For quite similar purpose, I've begun employing UV-C lamps in some of my tanks couple of weeks ago. Running permanently, meant as a prevention rather than solution in times of trouble. It's too soon to report any significant effect. But yes, it seems to make the water pretty clear. On the other hand, it failed to prevent green hair algae proliferation in one of the tanks.
Anyway, because the UV-effect is limited to the chamber, I find it substantially safer than ozone (or hydrogen peroxide).