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outlet advice

a rix

2 May 2015
Hi guys iam looking for some help regarding the outlet for my rio 180 with a fulval 406 filter would the standard fulval out let be ok running along the back wall from one side to the other. What does everyone else use regarding this. Help please
Really not keen on adding a power head want to keep in tank equipment at a minimum
Really not keen on adding a power head want to keep in tank equipment at a minimum
I know what you mean, I was determined 1 filter would be enough for my 3ft tank but flow issues occurred to begin with, things seem to be settling down now though I have added in an ehiem skimmer not sure if it's the extra flow or the better gas exchange which has helped issues, see how it goes with just the filter outflow.
Thanks for the advice iam toying with the idea of using a eheim shepards crook