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Otos and Tiger Barbs

Only going by my own Otos who are very expressive and active as cat fish darting around the tank all the time and then taking in to account the territorial nature of tiger barbs i'd probably swerve it. One way to possibly cure this would be to have a large shoal of tiger barbs this tends to pacify them towards other fish say in the region of 14 - 18. Hope this helps just my opinion of course.
Thankyou. I was thinking a large shoal of barbs would help but I have no experience of otos.
Probably better off with some Cardinals or something then. Shame, I really like Tiger Barbs but I'd want some clean up crew aswell.
I've not had good experience with Tigers. Personally I wouldn't want to risk it, Ottos are too adorable.
i love my tiger barbs just make sure you put 1 or 2 bigger fish in that'll bully them a little

I have a red tailed shark and a yoyo loach that do a good job of beating the crap out of them which stops them being annoying to the other fish