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Options for known kamikaze fish


31 Dec 2012
Hi all

One of my SAE's decided to jump out my rimless tank a few days back, fell down behind the cabinet and ended up underneath flapping around. Luckily I was in the vicinity when this happened and I heard the fish jump out, so I quickly put him back in and he seems to be OK except a very small bit of damage to one of his pelvic fins.
Quite miraculous really considering he fell 1.5M onto a hard surface and probably a few knocks on the way down too!

I have been looking online for clear mesh suitable to make a DIY lid that doesn't impede light or ruin the aesthetics of the rimless setup, but can't find anything except the simply aquaria DIY lid which is £40, and I'm sure I could find a cheaper solution.
I have also considered clear perspex with some holes in or using floating plants, but I suppose the latter cannot guarantee their safety.

Any experience or thoughts on this?

Agree with Andy, stainless steel mesh is probably the best idea, and it's fairly easy to work with. perspex gets too misty in my opinion, while the transparent nylon wire mesh doesn't hold it's form well enough. You could maybe add some trimming to neaten it up, mitred to 45 degrees and glued together with superglue, acrylic cement, epoxy or whatever else you might have. Might need to add some supports for large panels though, if only to keep it from flapping about.


If you really want to be fancy, I did a quick google for stainless trim, it does exist but it's hard to come by - made to order it seems. I had a thought of a mitred trim stainless frame with stainless cross supports underneath the wire mesh would look excellent and stay in-keeping with the ADA style. That's just in my brain though.
It's possible I glass impedes more light than I realise, and has therefore has more effect on plants, but if not, would that not be the least visible solution? It's more robust than perspex, easy to clean, and IMHO far less obvious than any mesh.
Any glazer will be able to cut you something to size, and if you add a glass strip along the underside, down each side of the tank, that would help stop it moving. You could also get the glass bevelled for added aesthetic appeal.