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Opti-white Nano - "Red Canyon" - broken down.

Steve Smith

19 Jul 2007
Wellesbourne, UK.
Morning all. Finally got my AE Opti-white nano filled last night after a mini disaster a few weeks back (managed to destroy everything with a slosh of water). I'd been putting it off but decided to just get it done last night. Couldn't think of an artsy fartsy name so gone with a bread and butter solid name :lol:

Day 1:



  • Opti-white Nano - 12"x10"x8"
  • Substrate - ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia (pre-used), ADA Forest sand "Branco"
  • Lighting - 2x 11w Arcadia Arcpods (1 for first few weeks)
  • Filtration - Eheim 2213 Classic
  • Heating - Hydor ETH200 external


  • Hemianthus callitrichoides
  • Hemianthus micranthemoides
  • Rotala "Nanjenshan"
  • Fissendens Fontanus

I ran out of Rotala (I sold it all! 🙄) so I'll have to let it fill in and then trim/replant as I go. I've also notices some of the stones have moved a little, so I'll re-adjust them tonight... At 1am on a Monday night you don't tend to notice these things :lol:
Re: Opti-white Nano - "Red Canyon"

Thanks Clark. I'm thinking of replacing the tubes. I found that one of them had gone last night anyhow, and needs replacing.

I'm looking at maybe 2 of these from LampSpecs, or something similar in the "Daylight" range... I could buy a couple of different temps to try out (at £1.50 - £2 each it's not too bad).
Re: Opti-white Nano - "Red Canyon"

Looking nice Steve - love the way you've used the white bits in the rocks (I tried to hide all mine :lol: ) I might be tempted to bring the black sub' further forward at the left hand side of the tank - it looks to split the tank 50/50 at the minute. Probably wont be seen once its grown in anyway though.

Re: Opti-white Nano - "Red Canyon"

Tonser said:
it looks to split the tank 50/50 at the minute. Probably wont be seen once its grown in anyway though.

Ah now, to quote a certain film character - "It's all part of the plan" :lol:

It's not quite 50/50, its actually much less, but I sprinkled some smaller grained sand around the rocks and HC which takes it back further... my hope is that the HC will grow quite sparsely in the front and patchy to give a sense of an arrid landscape, but fuller at the back.

Fingers crossed 😉
Re: Opti-white Nano - "Red Canyon"

Hi Steve,
i can see where you got "red canyon " from,those are some nice rocks,

looking good mate,

regards john.
Re: Opti-white Nano - "Red Canyon"

I ripped this tank down tonight. Really not too happy with it. The "fossil" wood seemed to be turning the water orange and causing a scum on the surface of the tank. I'm also not too happy with the tank dimensions.

I treated myself on Monday and bought a TGM opti-white nano and stand, along with cal-aqua nano glassware. Got a few things on order too, so I'll be starting a new journal in the next few weeks 🙂 Will be using proper fossilised wood this time. This stuff will end up in the bin no doubt 🙁
Shame to hear you ripped it down... but...OUT WITH THE OLD "N" IN WITH THE NEW,,,lol

I will be looking forward to following your new journal

cheers , Alex
Thanks guys 🙂

The mosquito rasbora I put into the scape on Saturday really were having trouble settling in, and were very skittish. Not sure if there was a water quality problem. They would swim about if I stayed still in the room for long enough. As soon as I moved they'd all hide 🙁

Now they're in my 7gal shrimp tank and seem more confident 🙂