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Open top tanks & shrimp


30 Sep 2011

I was wondering how manybfidh and shrimp I lost whrn they decided to jump out of the tank and I see all these beautiful open tanks...don't you lose fish snd shrimp by jumping out? Especially shrimp?


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I've heard numerous accounts of Amanos going off for walks due to the reaction of poor water quality apparently. I've never had trouble with escapees because of having a hood. I have a theory that jumping fish and shrimp is likely the result of shock, shock not from water quality but movement outside of the tank or the lighting coming on. This can happen with pets around the house especially if things like dogs or cats hit the glass. As for the lighting, I switch the lights on manually via the switch but I know a lot of people have timers so they may miss what I would notice in my shrimp tanks. As I switch the lights on, shrimps that were grazing on floating plants or tops of plants that are near the surface would make a jump from the sudden change from a dark surrounding to a bright one. This jump could be an explanation to why sometimes you get jumpers, this can of course also apply to fish.
Like a few of you have said amanos are great climbers I recently found this out when I had to net some, but the time I had lifted the net from the water they were nearly out and back in the tank. no carpet surfers here yet either and I fill my tank so if you sneeze it spills over the sides🙂