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One strong powerfull light in the middle or multiple less powerfull lights spread over the surface?


New Member
31 Jan 2022
I was wonder what your opinion is on this?
I tend to think multiple weaker lights is nicer to view to and/or better for the plants and preventing algea right below the lights.
Let me know what you think.

Greetings from Holland
Probably best whether one light or several to have a controller, that way you can adjust the light to what is required, plants don't really care about cost many budget lights have controllers.
I am for sure planning to use a controller. This to enjoy the view on the tank for most of the day.
Once I had build my own controller for 4 T5 tubes above my 70x50x50cm tank. It worked pretty well but the lifetime of the tubes became for some reason much shorter.

I am now looking to upgrade to a bigger tank and are orienting on which lighting to use.
I bumped in to the giesemann Pulzar G3 lights. They are very strong which i like for a short period of time over the day. I also used the 4 T5 tubes on 100% for a short period of time over the day.
Rest of the day I like to dim the lights which is also possible with the Pulzar. But when using it on 100% I am afraigt that the intensity just below the light is to high.
Is this a justified fear?