Well people, I stripped my 4ft down again two weeks ago today. A complete strip down, filter, new substrate, everything. And given how well my work tank is doing I figured I do the same in the hope it would sort whatever is wrong with this dam tank. Quick stats
Tank - 48x18x18"
Filter - Eheim 2080 1700lph
Pump - Ehem +3000 3000lph
Substrate - Akadama
Ferts - 8ml TPN+ 3x a week, with 50% water change
Hardscape - TGM welsh blue stone
Plants - 100% HC
CO2 - Pressurised, DC yellow.
Lighting - 2x54w T5.
I got the HC from this tank, as you can see its in top notch health.

And this is what two weeks in my 4ft did to it. Growth, but very slow and the new leaves turn brown very quickly. Why, oh why, oh why?

I feel like I have tried literally everything (I always make a point of leaving the tank for at least three weeks after a change, normally four before trying something different to see if there is any difference). I've tried eco-complete and it is the third lot of Akadama, I tried 1 light tube and then 3 light tubes. I've tried more ferts, different ferts (previously powder ferts) more ferts, I even tried replacing the light unit to an Arcadia T8 unit at a cost of £50! I've had this tank over a year now and still nothing!
Given the ample flow in the tank, could too much flow could be the issue? Perhaps bruising the leaves somehow?
Does anyone else use the TGM Welsh blue stone in their tanks? TGM I guess, I've seen it!
I've well and truly got to then end of my wick with this tank, if nothing works this time, I'll probably leave the hobby and try marines, for certain the tank would be converted to a general community tank as I've wanted to keep discus for a while now.
Thanks all.
Tank - 48x18x18"
Filter - Eheim 2080 1700lph
Pump - Ehem +3000 3000lph
Substrate - Akadama
Ferts - 8ml TPN+ 3x a week, with 50% water change
Hardscape - TGM welsh blue stone
Plants - 100% HC
CO2 - Pressurised, DC yellow.
Lighting - 2x54w T5.
I got the HC from this tank, as you can see its in top notch health.

And this is what two weeks in my 4ft did to it. Growth, but very slow and the new leaves turn brown very quickly. Why, oh why, oh why?

I feel like I have tried literally everything (I always make a point of leaving the tank for at least three weeks after a change, normally four before trying something different to see if there is any difference). I've tried eco-complete and it is the third lot of Akadama, I tried 1 light tube and then 3 light tubes. I've tried more ferts, different ferts (previously powder ferts) more ferts, I even tried replacing the light unit to an Arcadia T8 unit at a cost of £50! I've had this tank over a year now and still nothing!
Given the ample flow in the tank, could too much flow could be the issue? Perhaps bruising the leaves somehow?
Does anyone else use the TGM Welsh blue stone in their tanks? TGM I guess, I've seen it!
I've well and truly got to then end of my wick with this tank, if nothing works this time, I'll probably leave the hobby and try marines, for certain the tank would be converted to a general community tank as I've wanted to keep discus for a while now.
Thanks all.