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Old time aquarist coming back (to a brave new world)


4 Dec 2016
I have been away from the hobby for almost 15 years, and have finally gotten the time and place, to delve into this amazing hobby once more, and I'm pretty excited.

In fact, the first thing I did when getting this new place, was ordering my childhood dream custom made aquarium. Its still being processed somewhere in Germany. Meanwhile I have been doing tons of research. Seems like everything has changed!

The more I look into what setup I should go for, the more I'm torn.

I'm torn between my interest in South American cichlids and L number catfish, but get more and more drawn into aquascaping. I have set up several tanks, but never to the degree of detail I see here and elsewhere. It is honestly a bit daunting.

I guess what you now call low tech, is what we used to do. The Only high tech dudes were the discus people back then. Today all that has changed.

Any good advice for someone coming back? 🙂

(I mean surely most cichlids and plecos dont mix well with delicate aquascaping?)
maybe not with "delicate" aquascaping but there are plenty of interesting options/designs that will stand up to apistos & L catfish ... maybe list your fav's & the tank dimensions of your dream custom aquarium
Apistogrammas Bitaeniata sp. ‘Shishita’

Rain Forest

Fallen Tree
- for both of these you could incorporate products from Tannin Aquatics (facebook link as there are a good # of aquascapes shared)

Disobedience II

Aquascaping workshop

I'm certain I've seen the inclusion of these apisto's in other scapes from Nuno M. (for some reason only these listed are showing up for the Search)

As an apisto guy I'm certain you're already familiar with these links
Apisto Sites (Martin & Tom C)

Apistogramma.com for discussion on tank hardscape & species & 🙂
- though I hope you'll do a journal here on ukaps!

Of course it would be easier if you just set up your custom dream tank
AND another just for plant exploration 😀 (even if you have to hide it inside the above cabinet for a time 😉)

If the look at gallery from the Senske brothers Aquarium Design Group - inspiring scapes for every style of fishkeeping
You're welcome - I sent you a private message/conversation as well
Hiya welcome!

Decide on the scape that you want first, then try and copy it stone for stone, wood for wood.

While you could keep plecos, I wouldn't on a planted scape; at least not until you understand plants more.