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Oase Biomaster 2. Has this solved the known problems?


9 Feb 2025
Hi all,

Looking for a really quiet cannister filter(for bed room), and was settling on either the oase 600 or 850 for my 240l tank.

What has turned me off this is the reported noises..has the version just release solved this burping and other noise related issues?
I have owned a Biomaster thermo 350 for years and never had any issues with too much noise. It sat inside a jewel cabinet in my livingroom and the sound it made was perfectly acceptable. I now have a Biomaster 2 thermo 650, and to me it makes the same amount of sound. This one is sitting inside an Oase cabinet in my livingroom, it produces a light hum but nothing out of the ordinary. Most of the times I don't even notice the sound. After cleaning the Biomasters I always slightly tilt the filter to all sides, to let any trapped air out. After that its very quiet.
I have the Biomaster 250 & Biomaster 850, I upgraded the internals with the new intake tube as well as the concave plate (both of these are standard in the updated Biomaster range). These upgrades have made both of my filters much quieter and gotten rid of the regular burping, they aren't as quiet as my Fluval 207 (not that I'd expect the 850 to be as it's higher output) but are now in a much more acceptable audio range. Some people seem to have had different results with the upgrades.
I have the Biomaster 250 & Biomaster 850, I upgraded the internals with the new intake tube as well as the concave plate (both of these are standard in the updated Biomaster range). These upgrades have made both of my filters much quieter and gotten rid of the regular burping, they aren't as quiet as my Fluval 207 (not that I'd expect the 850 to be as it's higher output) but are now in a much more acceptable audio range. Some people seem to have had different results with the upgrades.

Hi do you have link to the upgrade parts as my 850 head on 250 body makes regular burping noises . It has a quiet hum as well . Not notable in cabinet in my lounge but would be in a bedroom IMO

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Hi do you have link to the upgrade parts as my 850 head on 250 body makes regular burping noises . It has a quiet hum as well . Not notable in cabinet in my lounge but would be in a bedroom IMO

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^^ Those that Aqua linked. Thankfully they are very reasonable priced which is a bonus, please update with your results once they're installed.
Not sure it has solved the burping. I have a Biomaster 2 850. The Co2 mist in my tank is clearly ending up in the filter as it burps a lot towards the end of the Co2 period.
If anything it’s made it worse !! I have more flow through my filter now that the surface skimmer is now being overwhelmed even with the bottom section of the pipe fully open ! I now have to either fine larger lily pipes ( already have 16mm ) or cut more slots in the bottom section , they are stainless so I can do this .

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If anything it’s made it worse !! I have more flow through my filter now that the surface skimmer is now being overwhelmed even with the bottom section of the pipe fully open ! I now have to either fine larger lily pipes ( already have 16mm ) or cut more slots in the bottom section , they are stainless so I can do this .

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I have a milling machine so I could have cut extra slots in my stainless pipe. They are hidden with a sponge though so I just drilled some extra holes to ensure good flow.